How to Remember Important Social Media Graphic Design Tips?

December 18, 2023By 0 Comments

Nowadays, graphic design is the most popular way to create images for social media, branding, advertising, etc. Every company or brand uses this technique to get more visitors to the website.

But only so many people can create unique designs for their brand. People are mainly used to copying some images, and after performing some edits, they publish it on their website or copy the images and paste them on their website.

At that time, people downloaded photos from stock photos, pixels, pixabay, and many other websites. Well, these websites are still available, but nowadays, companies prefer unique designs and images for their website.

In this case, today, we will provide tips to help you create unique images for social media, brand awareness, blog images, and other things. Read this article till the end and apply these tips in your business. So let’s get started.

Use Bold & Bright Colors:

There was a time when light colors with bold black text were a trend as social media was famous worldwide. People have started experimenting with social media images using different color combinations and text styles.

Nowadays, in graphic design, people also demand images with bold & bright colors. As we all know, color represents a message, so people choose color according to their message.

For example, if you want to oppose some ideology, use bright red with bold black text that will attract the user, and they will focus; you can do the same with yellow as well.

If we go into deep research, we find that social media images also depend on the business’s social media platform.

A few years back, people used to download images from other websites and put them on their blogs or social media platforms without giving any credit.

As Google knows about it, they started giving manual warnings to those websites, so they have to give credit to the original website, but with time, people realize that if we focus on images and create new images for the business, then there are more chances to get business instead of copy-pasting.

Because many brands have their fonts and colors for their brand and are already patterned, no one can copy that.

In short, we can say that social media images depend on these criteria:

  • Business Brand
  • Social Media Platform
  • Message Send to Users

Use Icons to Clear Concepts of Graphic Design:

Every business can only hire a graphic designer and create unique images sometimes, but a fresher chooses an anion and mixes it up with other images to clear the concept. Nowadays, people do not have time to read messages, so either you create a fantastic caption that will become a hashtag or create an image that speaks a thousand words.

Many websites use icons and create images using Ananva or any other graphic design tool. You only need to think about a creative image and put it on the screen.

We are giving some examples below that will help you think about some ideas and hype your business.

Build Perfect Visual Strategy for Graphic Design:

Before creating any images, understanding the concept behind the image is necessary. Take help from the content marketing team, web design team, and SEO teams and discuss the business’s grassiness.

Understanding the idea before creating any image is necessary because brainstorming is necessary for the business to reach anywhere.

Include below points to create a visual strategy:

Know Your Brand in Graphic Design:

It is necessary to know about your own business and its goals. Your business goals include engagement, reach, likes, shares, comments, and direct messages. It can be anything, so first, fix the goal of your business.

Research for Audience:

Now, it is necessary to find an audience according to your niche. What kind of audience is engaging with the content? Make a list of audience using these parameters such as age, gender, community, interests, location, etc.

Color Combination:

Check out posts related to your niche posted by your competitors on social media platforms, and mark out the colors they use on their images. Also, check out the themes and fonts they are using.

It will give you an idea of what kind of themes, colors, and fonts you can use for your business. And always mix up things, perform various experiments, and analyze what kind of reactions get from the audience.

Social Media Platforms and Timings:

There are social media platforms, but each platform is suitable for business. Follow your competitor to know on which platform they publish social media images and where they get more engagement.

You can also follow your business’s niche on social media platforms and learn about social media images.

Every social media platform is for a specific kind of business. For example, LinkedIn is used for business purposes, Instagram is primarily for meme culture or e-commerce products, and Pinterest is used to get ideas about business.

Every social media has different timings to publish a post, so if you post at other times, you will not get such engagement on your social media page.

Graphic design is an art, and it is only for; it is essential to understand that a whole research needs to be done before beginning.

Create Graphs and Charts

With the help of graphic design, you can create various kinds of charts and graphs, and it will attract users because people are interested in the graphs. Finally, it will show an overview of the business.

It helps users understand the brand and business, and sometimes the brand’s value as well.

With the help of the graphs, users can also understand a brand’s journey.


Graphic design is not only a way to create new images for your business, but it can become your brand’s voice if you use it correctly. Follow these graphic design tips and make your brand popular.

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